"Ndesovania" map for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (1.43)

Ndesovania map mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2
Ndesovania is a standalone map with a unique atmosphere from the country of Indonesia. You will come across different surfaces, bad roads, asphalt, interesting junctions. Sometimes you can get so lost on them that it will be difficult to get back on your way.
Features of the mod
- 13 cities
- Bus stations
- Extreme roads
- Off-road and muddy roads
- Mountains, serpentines, hills
- Realistic landscapes
Supported versions of ETS 2: 1.43.x-1.40.x
For the map to work you need to create a profile and select the module indonesia.mbd
Mod author: Jaka Setiawan, Fatkhul Anam
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