BMW M4 Coupe (G82) for City Car Driving

BMW M4 Coupe (G82) 2021 mod for City Car Driving
- Power - 473 hp.
- Top speed - 297 km/h
- Acceleration to 100 km/h - 4.2 s
- Transmission - MKPP 6 / AKPP 8
- Interior illumination: bronze / green / orange / pink / red / turquoise / white / yellow
- Leather: blue + yellow / orange / red / light color
- Interior inserts: aluminum / wood / black
- Metal buttons on the doors
- Carbon steering wheel
- Brakes: black pads+steel disc / gold pads+ceramic disc / red pads+steel disc
- Engine: Competition / Competition (xDrive)
- Without license plates
- M-Carbon package
- Disks: black v1 / silver v1/ v2 / black v2 / silver v2
- Tinted rear hemisphere / all windows except windshield / all round
Supports passenger transportation and trailer.
Mod author: TJ